When you don’t have a broad web presence, but you move amongst a large circle of people, friends, business partners, or clientele locally or around the globe in the ambient of clubbing, parties, electronic and dance music, festivals, and when you’re generally aligned with our credo of promoting safe, clean and responsible partying, you can promote PowderVault through our Ambassador program.

Our Ambassadors are encouraged to promote or company’s message with the goal of cultivating a good reputation, building brand recognition and improving sales.

If you qualify for the program, you will receive the complete line of PowdervVault products at a heavy discount. (That you can be resold????)




Promote PowderVault and earn with us.

Please, note that our product is to be marketed strictly for legal purposes – snuff tobacco consumption and subject to all necessary disclaimers. Any illicit use of our products is strictly forbidden.

Before you join our program, you have to abide by our terms and conditions. Please read them HERE, and confirm that you agree with them below.

(((I agree with terms and conditions.)))

If you don’t agree, we can’t offer you our affiliate program.

Please, fill out the form below and we’ll be happy to review it.